Video Content and Structure Description Based on Keyframes, Clusters and Storyboards
In this paper we present a novel system to extract keyframes, shot clusters and structural storyboards for video content description, which can be used for a variety of summarization, visualization, classification, indexing and retrieval applications.
Scalable Control System for Bluetooth Mobile Devices
This paper discusses the practical aspects of a wireless control system and reports the experience obtained from implementing a proof-of-concept system.
Two-Way Communication Protocol using Bluetooth Low Energy Advertisement Frames
This is relevant because the nRF24L01+ radio system is a popular technology for the Internet- of-Things and for location- based services with wearable devices in smart cities.
DefSense: Computational Design of Customized Deformable Input Devices
We present a novel optimization-based algorithm for the design and fabrication of customized, deformable input devices, capable of continuously sensing their deformation.
Underwater 3D Capture using a Low-Cost Commercial Depth Camera
This paper presents underwater 3D capture using a commercial depth camera.
METhoD: a Framework for the Emulation of a Delay Tolerant Network Scenario for Media-Content Distribution in Under-Served Regions
In our project, public commuter buses carrying WLAN-enabled devices (mobile infostations) that provide DTN connectivity are used to ferry data between urban and rural areas.
DTN-enabled Infostation and Cinema-in-a-Backpack
In this paper, we present our wireless infostation and the cinema-in-a-back that we have built for the purpose and ready for a six-month long eld deployment in rural South Africa, in partnership with local institutions.
PRECISION: Precomputing Environment Semantics for Contact-Rich Character Animation
This paper presents an automated approach for analyzing both motions and environments in order to represent the different ways in which an environment can afford a character to move.
VertiGo – A Wall-Climbing Robot including Ground-Wall Transition
VertiGo is a wall-climbing robot that is capable of transitioning from the ground to the wall, created in collaboration between Disney Research Zurich and ETH.
Automatic Multiview Synthesis – Towards a Mobile System on a Chip
In this paper, we present a complete hardware system for fully automatic MVS.
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