FaceDirector: Continuous Control of Facial Performance in Video
We present a method to continuously blend between multiple facial performances of an actor, which can contain different facial expressions or emotional states.
Towards an Accessible Interface for Story World Building
This paper discusses the benefits and tradeoffs between agent-centric and event-centric approaches towards authoring the domain knowledge of story worlds.
Augmented Creativity- Bridging the Real and Virtual Worlds to Enhance Creative Play
We present six prototype applications that explore and develop Augmented Creativity in different ways, cultivating creativity through AR interactivity.
Interactive Design of 3D-Printable Robotic Creatures
We present an interactive design system that allows casual users to quickly create 3D-printable robotic creatures.
Interactive Surface Design with Interlocking Elements
We present an interactive tool for designing physical surfaces made from flexible interlocking quadrilateral elements of a single size and shape.
Live Texturing of Augmented Reality Characters from Colored Drawings
In this paper, we present an augmented reality coloring book App in which children color characters in a printed coloring book and inspect their work using a mobile device.
Online View Sampling for Estimating Depth from Light Fields
We propose a simple analysis model for view sampling and an adaptive, online sampling algorithm tailored to light field depth reconstruction.
Linux Light Bulbs: Enabling Internet Protocol Connectivity for Light Bulb Networks
This paper explores how the IP stack and other networking protocols can be hosted on Linux-based VLC devices.
Adaptive Rendering with Linear Predictions
We propose a new adaptive rendering algorithm that enhances the performance of Monte Carlo ray tracing by reducing the noise, i.e., variance while preserving a variety of high-frequency edges in rendered images through a novel prediction based reconstruction.
Sampling Based Scene Space Video Processing
We present a novel, sampling-based framework for processing video that enables high-quality scene-space video effects in the presence of inevitable errors in depth and camera pose estimation.
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