Optimal Reciprocal Collision Avoidance for Multiple Non-Holonomic Robots
In this paper, an optimal method for distributed collision avoidance among multiple non-holonomic robots is presented in theory and experiments.
Multi-Robot System for Artistic Pattern Formation
This paper describes work on multi-robot pattern formation. Arbitrary target patterns are represented with an optimal robot deployment, using a method that is independent of the number of robots. Furthermore, the trajectories are visually appealing in the sense of being smooth, oscillation free, and showing fast convergence.
Reciprocal Collision Avoidance for Multiple Car-like Robots
In this paper, a method for distributed reciprocal collision avoidance among multiple non-holonomic robots with bike kinematics is presented.
Human Motion Tracking Control with Strict Contact Force Constraints for Floating-Base Humanoid Robots
This paper presents a tracking controller considering contact force constraints for floating-base humanoid robots.
Controlling Humanoid Robots with Human Motion Data: Experimental Validation
In this paper, we improve the controller to address the issues related to root position/orientation estimation, model uncertainties, and the difference between expected and actual contact forces.
Control-Aware Mapping of Human Motion Data with Stepping for Humanoid Robots
This paper presents a method for mapping captured human motion with stepping to a humanoid model, considering the current state and the controller behavior.
Simultaneous Tracking and Balancing of Humanoid Robots for Imitating Human Motion Capture Data
This paper presents a control framework for humanoid robots that uses all joints simultaneously to track motion capture data and maintain balance.
Optimization and Control of Cyclic Biped Locomotion on a Rolling Cylinder
This project investigates the optimization of, and presents a control framework for, a biped robot to maintain balance and walk on a rolling ball.
Ball Walker: A Case Study of Humanoid Robot Locomotion in Non-stationary Environments
This paper presents a control framework for a biped robot to maintain balance and walk on a rolling ball. The control framework consists of two primary components: a balance controller and a footstep planner.
Joohyung Kim
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