Disney Research


Simultaneous Tracking and Balancing of Humanoid Robots for Imitating Human Motion Capture Data-Image

This paper presents a control framework for humanoid robots that uses all joints simultaneously to track motion capture data and maintain balance. The controller comprises two main components: a balance controller and a tracking controller. The balance controller uses a regulator designed for a simplified humanoid model to obtain the desired input to keep balance based on the current state of the robot. The simplified model is chosen so that a regulator can be designed systematically using, for example, optimal control. An example of such controller is a linear quadratic regulator designed for an inverted pendulum model. The desired inputs are typically the center of pressure and/or torques of some representative joints. The tracking controller then computes the joint torques that minimize the difference from desired inputs as well as the error from desired joint accelerations to track the motion capture data, considering exact full-body dynamics. We demonstrate that the proposed controller effectively reproduces different styles of storytelling motion using dynamics simulation considering limitations in hardware.

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