RFID Light Bulb: Enabling Ubiquitous Deployment of Interactive RFID Systems
In this work, we leverage advances in semiconductor optics, RF antenna design and system integration to create a hybrid RFID reader and smart LED lamp, in the form factor of a standard light bulb.
A Switched Emissive Transparent Display with Controllable per-pixel Opacity
A 144 fps transparent LCD panel is used in conjunction with a transparent backlight, controllably diffusive smartglass screen, and optional switching background lighting
Switching Dual Layer Display with Dynamic LCD Mask
The Switching Dual Layer Display with a Dynamic LCD Mask is a multi-layer three-dimensional display capable of independent layer content and occlusion between layers.
LCD Masks for Spatial Augmented Reality
We use a transparent LCD panel as a programmable dynamic mask.
Perspective Correct Occlusion-Capable Augmented Reality Displays using Cloaking Optics Constraints
We design and demonstrate a four-lens folded optical cloak and a three-lens inverted cloak with an erecting prism.
Magic Bench
We create a solution for multi-user interactions in AR/MR, where a group can share the same augmented environment with any computer generated (CG) asset and interact in a shared story sequence through a third-person POV.
Riding the Airways: Ultra-Wideband Ambient Backscatter via Commercial Broadcast Systems
The goal of this work is to enable the ubiquitous deployment of ultra-low power nodes that communicate via ambient backscatter to wired Universal Backscatter Readers, in real-world environments.
Haplug: A Haptic Plug for Dynamic VR Interactions
We demonstrate applications of a new actuator, the Haplug, in dynamic virtual environments.
Joana Campos
Electromagnetic Time Reversal Focusing of Near Field Waves in Metamaterials
We demonstrate selective focusing of electromagnetic energy via electromagnetic time reversal in the near field of a metamaterial.
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