Disney Research


The Switching Dual Layer Display with a Dynamic LCD Mask is a multi-layer three-dimensional display capable of independent layer content and occlusion between layers. The display consists of a spaced stack of transparent LCD panel and LCD monitor synchronously switching between content, mask, and backlight states. In the first state, the back layer displays white, and the front layer displays its content. The back layer acts as a backlight for the front layer, making the front layer content visible. In the second state, the back layer displays content, and the front layer displays a mask. The back layer content is occluded by the front layer mask. Rapidly alternating between states, the viewer perceives opaque high-contrast foreground content occluding the background. Besides multi-plane imagery, depth-blending using opacity allows for smooth 3D volumetric imagery at the cost of reduced field of view. The addition of a relay mirror and a phantom mask allows solid appearing front layer content to optically float above and occlude the back layer. The floating front layer is non-physical, so both display layers are accessible for interactive applications.

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