Stickman: Towards a Human Scale Acrobatic Robot
We present a simple two degree of freedom robot that uses a gravity-driven pendulum launch and produces a variety of somersaulting stunts.
Design and Fabrication of a Soft Robotic Hand and Arm System
We present the hardware design and fabrication of a soft arm and hand for physical human-robot interaction.
Exploration of Geometry and Forces Occurring within Human-to-Robot Handovers
This work presents an exploratory user study of human-to-robot handovers. In particular, it examines how changes in a robot behavior influence human participation and the overall interaction.
Evaluating Social Perception of Human-to-Robot Handovers Using the Robot Social Attributes Scale (RoSAS)
This work explores social perceptions of robots within the domain of human-to-robot handovers.
Validation of the Robot Social Attributes Scale (RoSAS) for Human-Robot Interaction through a Human-to-Robot Handover Use Case
This work aims to validate the Robotic Social Attributes Scale (RoSAS) for human-robot interaction.
Toward Torque Control of a KUKA LBR IIWA for Physical Human-Robot Interaction
In this paper, we examine joint torque tracking as well as estimation of external torques for the KUKA Lightweight Robot (LBR) IIWA.
Handshakiness: Benchmarking for Human-Robot Hand Interactions
We present results from human studies with the benchmarking experiments, providing a baseline for comparison with robot hands as well as presenting new insights into human handshaking.
Falling with Style: Sticking the Landing by Controlling Spin during Ballistic Flight
In this paper, we examine the sensing and actuation necessary for a mechanism to alter its fall under a high rate of spin.
Snapbot: A Reconfigurable Legged Robot
We develop a reconfigurable legged robot, named Snapbot, to emulate configuration changes and various styles of legged locomotion.
Sungjoon Choi
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