Bilateral Space Video Segmentation
Semi-Supervised Vocabulary-Informed Learning
Learning Activity Progression in LSTMs for Activity Detection and Early Detection
Harnessing Object and Scene Semantics for Large-Scale Video Understanding
Learning Online Smooth Predictors for Realtime Camera Planning using Recurrent Decision Trees
Nonlinearly Weighted First-Order Regression for Denoising Monte Carlo Renderings
Subdivision Next-Event Estimation for Path-Traced Subsurface Scattering
Designing Animated Characters for Children of Different Ages
The Robot Who Knew Too Much: Toward Understanding the Privacy/Personalization Trade-off in Child-Robot Conversation
Stenciling: Designing Structurally-Sound Surfaces with Decorative Patterns
Efficient 3D Object Segmentation from Densely Sampled Light Fields with Applications to 3D Reconstruction
Design of a Hopping Mechanism Using a Voice Coil: Linear Elastic Actuator in Parallel (LEAP)
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