
research area

  • Robotics (97)
  • Video Processing (84)
  • Wireless Communication and Mobile Computing (84)
  • Machine Learning and Optimization (76)
  • Animation (70)
  • Computer Vision (54)
  • Rendering (46)
  • Human-Computer Interaction (45)
  • Materials Research (39)
  • Capture (35)
  • Reset

main research area

  • Visual Computing (317)
  • Human Computer Interaction (158)
  • Machine Learning & Data Analytics (102)
  • Robotics (99)
  • Materials & Fabrication (39)
  • Reset

  • Machine Learning & Data Analytics

Multiplicative Representations for Unsupervised Semantic Role Induction

  • August 7, 2016
  • Yi Luan (University of Washington, Disney Research Pittsburgh)
  • Yangfeng Ji (Georgia Institute of Technology)
  • Hannaneh Hajishirzi (University of Washington)
  • Boyang Albert Li
  • Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics 2016
  • Materials & Fabrication

Computational Thermoforming

  • July 24, 2016
  • Christian Schüller (ETH Zurich)
  • Daniele Panozzo (ETH Zurich)
  • Anselm Grundhöfer
  • Henning Zimmer
  • Evgeni Sorkine (ETH Zurich)
  • Olga Sorkine-Hornung (ETH Zurich)