Disney Research


Stereohaptics- A Haptic Interaction Toolkit for Tangible Virtual Experiences-Image

We propose “Stereohaptics”, a framework to create, record, modify, and playback rich and dynamic haptic media using audio based tools. These tools are well established, mainstream and familiar to a large population in entertainment, design, academic, and the DIY communities, and already available for sound synthesis, recording, and playback. We tune these audio-based tools to create haptic media on user’s bodies, distribute it to multiple slave units, and share it over the Internet. Applicable to the framework, we introduce a toolkit, the Stereohaptics toolkit, which uses off-the-shelf speaker technologies (electromagnetics, piezoelectric, electrostatic) and audio software tools to generate and embed haptic media in a variety of multisensory settings. This way, designers, artists, students and other professionals who are already familiar with sound production processes can utilize their skills to contribute towards designing haptics experiences. Moreover, using the audio infrastructure, application designers and software developers can create new applications and distribute haptic content to everyday users on mobile devices, computers, toys, game controllers and so on.

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