Enriching Facial Blendshape Rigs with Physical Simulation
Real-Time Multi-View Facial Capture with Synthetic Training
Makeup Lamps: Live Augmentation of Human Faces via Projection
Simulation-Ready Hair Capture
- Press Release: Disney method enables more realistic hair simulation
Learn How to Choose: Independent Detectors versus Composite Visual Phrases
Rapid One-Shot Acquisition of Dynamic VR Avatars
Catching a Real Ball in Virtual Reality
- Press Release: Using virtual reality to catch a real ball
Contact Pressure Distribution as an Evaluation Metric for Human-Robot Hand Interactions
Towards Robot Autonomy in Group Conversations: Understanding the Effects of Body Orientation and Gaze
Creating Prosodic Synchrony for a Robot Co-Player in a Speech-Controlled Game for Children
Data-Driven Ghosting using Deep Imitation Learning
Methods for Studying Group Interactions in HRI
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