Salvator Lombardo
Improving Optimization in Models With Continuous Symmetry Breaking
We propose a new optimization algorithm that speeds up convergence using ideas from gauge theory in physics.
Disentangled Sequential Autoencoder
In our experiments on artificially generated cartoon video clips and voice recordings, we show that we can convert the content of a given sequence into another one by such content swapping.
Iterative Amortized Inference
We demonstrate the inference optimization capabilities of iterative inference models and show that they outperform standard inference models on several benchmark data sets of images and text.
Quasi-Monte Carlo Variational Inference
We propose variance reduction by means of Quasi-Monte Carlo (QMC) sampling.
InspireMe: Learning Sequence Models for Stories
We present a novel approach to modeling stories using recurrent neural networks.
Computer-Assisted Authoring for Natural Language Story Scripts
We have developed a system that can extract information from natural language stories, and allow for story-centric as well as character-centric reasoning.
Deep Deformable Patch Metric Learning for Person Re-identification
In this paper, we propose to learn appearance measures for patches that are combined using deformable models.
Dr. Ashutosh Modi
Scheduling Live Interactive Narratives with Mixed-Integer Linear Programming
In this paper, we tackle the largely overlooked problem of scheduling a multiplayer interactive narrative and propose the Live Interactive Narrative Scheduling Problem (LINSP), which handles reasoning under temporal uncertainty, resource scheduling, and non-linear plot choices.
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