Practical Non-linear Photometric Projector Compensation
We propose a novel approach to generate a high quality photometric compensated projection which, to our knowledge, is the first one, which does not require a radiometrical pre-calibration of cameras or projectors.
Cache-Efficient Graph Cuts on Structured Grids
We propose a compact data structure with cache-efficient memory layout for the representation of graph instances that are based on regular N-D grids with topologically identical neighborhood systems.
Painting by Feature
In this paper, we propose a reinterpretation of the brush and the fill tools for digital image painting.
Structure and Motion from Scene Registration
We propose a method for estimating the 3D structure and the dense 3D motion (scene flow) of a dynamic nonrigid 3D scene, using a camera array.
Sketch-Based Generation and Editing of Quad Meshes
In these scenarios, artists want explicit control over the edge flows and the singularities of the quad mesh.
Novel Stereoscopic Content Production Tools
In our paper, we provide an overview on existing technologies for stereoscopic content editing, identify current challenges, and present a number of recent research results which provide novel solutions to problems such as disparity correction and depth authoring, display adaptation, and 2D-to-3D conversion.
Multi-Layered Automultiscopic Displays
In this paper, we introduce a framework to analyze the bandwidth of such display devices.
Nonlinear Disparity Mapping for Stereoscopic 3D
This paper addresses the problem of remapping the disparity range of stereoscopic images and video. Such operations are highly important for a variety of issues arising from the production, live broadcast, and consumption of 3D content.
Practical Temporal Consistency for Image-Based Graphics Applications
We present an efficient and simple method for introducing temporal consistency to a large class of optimization driven image-based computer graphics problems.
DRAM or no-DRAM? Exploring Linear Solver Architectures for Image Domain Warping in 28 nm CMOS
We present an evaluation of different linear solvers suitable for least-squares problems emanating from image processing applications such as image domain warping.
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