Maintaining Awareness of the Focus of Attention of a Conversation: A Robot-Centric Reinforcement Learning Approach
We explore online reinforcement learning techniques to find good policies to control the orientation of a mobile robot during social group conversations.
Imitating Human Movement with Teleoperated Robotic Head
In this work, we develop a controller for realizing smooth and accurate motion of a robotic head with application to a teleoperation system for the Furhat robot head.
Multiplicative Representations for Unsupervised Semantic Role Induction
We propose a neural model to learn argument embeddings from the context by explicitly incorporating dependency relations as multiplicative factors, which bias argument embeddings according to their dependency roles.
IRIDiuM: Immersive Rendered Interactive Deep Media
We propose a solution for presenting movie quality graphics to the user while still allowing the sense of presence afforded by free viewpoint head motion.
Stereohaptics: A Haptic Interaction Toolkit for Tangible Virtual Experiences
We propose “Stereohaptics”, a framework to create, record, modify, and playback rich and dynamic haptic media using audio based tools.
An interaction-Aware, Perceptual Model for Non-Linear Elastic Objects
In this work, we address the problem of mapping a real-world material to its nearest 3D printable counterpart by constructing a perceptual model for the compliance of nonlinearly elastic objects. We begin by building a perceptual space from experimentally obtained user comparisons of twelve 3D-printed metamaterials.
Acoustic Voxels: Computational Optimization of Modular Acoustic Filters
In our approach, we construct an acoustic filter comprised of a set of parameterized shape primitives, whose transmission matrices can be precomputed.
A Compiler for 3D Machine Knitting
We present a compiler that can automatically turn assemblies of high-level shape primitives (tubes, sheets) into low-level machine instructions.
Real-time Skeletal Skinning with Optimized Centers of Rotation
In this paper, we introduce a new direct skinning method that addresses this problem.
Designing Animated Characters for Children of Different Ages
In order to examine the relationship between stylistic elements of animated characters and the target ages of their audiences, we performed a series of qualitative and quantitative studies.
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