VertiGo – A Wall-Climbing Robot including Ground-Wall Transition
VertiGo is a wall-climbing robot that is capable of transitioning from the ground to the wall, created in collaboration between Disney Research Zurich and ETH.
3D Printed Soft Skin for Human-Robot Interaction
The purpose of this research is the development of a soft skin module with a built-in airtight cavity in which air pressure can be sensed.
Utku Pehlivan
Austin Lawrence
Zachary Batts
Felix Gonda
Andrew Spielberg
Antagonistic Muscle based Robot Control for Physical Interactions
In this paper, we examine a novel biologically-inspired control method, emulating antagonistic muscle pairs based on a nonlinear Hill model.
High-Performance Robotic Muscles from Conductive Nylon Sewing Thread
In this paper, we develop a thermomechanical and thermoelectric model of SCP actuators, and examine their controllability.
Reducing Hardware Experiments for Model Learning and Policy Optimization
This paper presents an iterative approach for learning hardware models and optimizing policies with as few hardware experiments as possible.
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