Disney Research



Our work on programmable animation texturing enhances the concept of texture mapping by letting artists stylize arbitrary animations using elementary animations, instantiated at the scale of their choice. The core of our workflow resides in two components: we first impose structure and temporal coherence over the animation data using a novel radius-based animation-aware clustering. The computed clusters conform to the user-specified scale and follow the underlying animation regardless of its topology. Extreme mesh deformations, complex particle simulations, or simulated mesh animations with ever-changing topology can, therefore, be handled in a temporally coherent way. Then, in analogy to fragment shaders that specify an output color based on a texture and a collection of properties defined per vertex (position, texture coordinate, etc.), we provide a programmable interface to the user, letting him or her specify an output animation based on the collection of properties we extract per cluster (position, velocity, etc.). We equip elementary animations with a collection of parameters that are exposed in our programmable system and enables users to script the animated textures depending on properties of the input cluster. We demonstrate the power of our system with complex animated textures created with minimal user input.

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