
  • Visual Computing

User-Guided Lip Correction for Facial Performance Capture

  • July 10, 2018
  • Dimitar Dinev (University of Utah, Disney Research)
  • Thabo Beeler
  • Derek Bradley
  • Moritz Bächer
  • Hongyi Xu
  • Ladislav Kavan (University of Utah)
  • ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation (SCA) 2018
  • Machine Learning & Data Analytics

Disentangled Sequential Autoencoder

  • July 9, 2018
  • Stephan MandtYingzhen Li (University of Cambridge)
  • Stephan Mandt
  • International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) 2018
  • Machine Learning & Data Analytics

Iterative Amortized Inference

  • July 9, 2018
  • Joseph Marino (California Institute of Technology)
  • Yisong Yue (California Institute of Technology)
  • Stephan Mandt
  • International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) 2018
  • Machine Learning & Data Analytics

Quasi-Monte Carlo Variational Inference

  • July 9, 2018
  • Alexander Buchholz (ENSAE-CREST)
  • Florian Wenzel (Humboldt University of Berlin)
  • Stephan Mandt
  • International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) 2018
  • Visual Computing

Normalized Cut Loss for Weakly-supervised CNN Segmentation

  • June 18, 2018
  • Meng Tang (University of Waterloo, Disney Research)
  • Abdelaziz Djelouah (Disney Research)
  • Federico Perazzi
  • Yuri Boykov (University of Waterloo)
  • Christopher Schroers
  • IEEE Conference on Computer Vision Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2018
  • Visual Computing

PhaseNet for Video Frame Interpolation

  • June 18, 2018
  • Simone Meyer (ETH Zurich, Disney Research)
  • Abdelaziz Djelouah
  • Brian McWilliams
  • Alexander Sorkine-Hornung
  • Markus Gross
  • Christopher Schroers
  • IEEE Conference on Computer Vision Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2018