A Real-Time 720p Feature Extraction Core Based on Semantic Kernels Binarized
Depth Estimation and Depth Enhancement by Diffusion of Depth Features
Content-Aware Compression using Saliency-Driven Image Retargeting for Wireless Video
MADmax: A 1080p Stereo-to-Multiview Rendering ASIC in 65nm CMOS based on Image Domain Warping
Transfusive Weights for Content-Aware Image Manipulation
Experimental Demonstration of Complex Image Theory for Vertical Magnetic Dipoles with Applications to Remote Sensing and Position Tracking
Multi-Spectral Material Classification in Landscape Scenes Using Commodity Hardware
Enhanced IEEE 802.11 Power Saving for Multi-Hop Toy-to-Toy Communication
Assessing Team Strategy Using Spatiotemporal Data
Joint Scalable Coding and Routing for 60 GHz Real-Time Live HD Video Streaming Applications
Evaluation and FPGA Implementation of Sparse Linear Solvers for Video Processing Applications
LED-to-LED Visible Light Communication Networks
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