Disney Research


MADmax- A 1080p Stereo-to-Multiview Rendering ASIC in 65nm CMOS based on Image Domain Warping-Image

In this paper, a video rendering ASIC for multiview automultiscopic displays using an image domain warping approach is presented. The video rendering core is able to synthesize up to nine interleaved views from full-HD (1080p) stereoscopic 3D input footage. The design employs elliptical weighted average (EWA) splatting to perform the image resampling. We use the mathematical properties of the Gaussian filters of EWA splatting to analytically integrate display anti-aliasing into the resampling step. The use of realistic assumptions on the image transformation enable a hardware architecture that operates on a video stream in scan-line fashion, and that does not require an off-chip memory. The ASIC fabricated in a 65nm CMOS technology, runs at 260MHz and is able to deliver 28.7 interleaved full-HD (1080p) frames per second with eight views enabled. It has a core power dissipation of 550mW, and its complexity is 6.8 MGE, including 4.36 MBit SRAM macros.

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