Disney Research


Joint Scalable Coding and Routing for 60 GHz Real-Time Live HD Video Streaming Applications-Image

Transmission of high-definition (HD) video is a promising application for 60 GHz wireless links since very high transmission rates (up to several Gbit/s) are possible. In particular, we consider a sports stadium broadcasting system where signals from multiple cameras are transmitted to a central location. Due to the high pathloss of 60 GHz radiation over the large distances encountered in this scenario, the use of relays might be required. The current paper analyzes the joint selection of the routes (relays) and the compression rates from the various sources for maximization of the overall video quality.We consider three different scenarios: (i) each source transmits only to one relay and the relay can receive only one data stream, and (ii) each source can transmit only to a single relay, but relays can aggregate streams from different sources and forward to the destination, and (iii) the source can split its data stream into parallel streams, which can be transmitted via different relays to the destination. For each scenario, we derive the mathematical formulations of the optimization problem and re-formulate them as convex mixed-integer programming, which can guarantee optimal solutions. Extensive simulations demonstrate that high-quality transmission is possible for at least ten cameras over distances of 300 m. Furthermore, optimization of the video quality gives results that can significantly outperform algorithms that maximize data rates.

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