Light Field Video Synthesis Using Inexpensive Surveillance Camera Systems

We present a light field video synthesis technique that can achieve accurate reconstruction given a low-cost, widebaseline camera rig. Our system called, INDiuM, novelly integrates optical flow with methods for rectification, disparity estimation, and feature extraction, which we then feed to a neural network view synthesis solver with widebaseline capability. A new bi-directional warping approach resolves reprojection ambiguities that would result from either backward or forward warping only. The system and method enables the use of off-the-shelf surveillance camera hardware in a simplified and expedited capture workflow. A thorough analysis of the refinement process and resulting view synthesis accuracy over state of the art is provided.

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From Faces to Outdoor Light Probes

This paper presents an approach to directly estimate an HDR light probe from a single LDR photograph, shot outdoors with a consumer camera, without specialized calibration targets or equipment.

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