Sackcloth or Silk? The Impact of Appearance vs Dynamics on the Perception of Animated Cloth
In this paper, we present a set of experiments in which we explore some factors that contribute to the perception of cloth, to determine how efficiency could be improved without sacrificing realism.
Smoothed Aggregation Multigrid for Cloth Simulation
This paper applies the algebraic multigrid method known as smoothed aggregation to cloth simulation.
Distributed Cloth Simulation Using Charm++
This paper presents a scalable implementation of the Asynchronous Contact Mechanics (ACM) algorithm, a reliable method to simulate flexible material subject to complex collisions and contact geometries.
Discrete Bending Forces and Their Jacobians
Computation of bending forces on triangle meshes is required for numerous simulation and geometry processing applications.
Efficient Elasticity for Character Skinning with Contact and Collisions
We present a new algorithm for near-interactive simulation of skeleton driven, high resolution elasticity models.
An Artist Friendly Hair Shading System
We show that physically based shading models fail to provide Intuitive artist controls and we introduce a novel approach for creating an art-directable hair shading model from existing physically based models.
Speculative Parallel Asynchronous Contact Mechanics
We extend the Asynchronous Contact Mechanics algorithm [Harmon et al. 2009] and improve its performance by two orders of magnitude, using only optimizations that do not compromise ACM’s three guarantees of safety, progress, and correctness.
Robust Treatment of Simultaneous Collisions
We present a fail-safe that cancels impact but not sliding motion, considerably reducing artificial dissipation.
Temporal Noise Control for Sketchy Animation
We propose a technique to control the temporal noise present in sketchy animations.
Smart Scribbles for Sketch Segmentation
We present Smart Scribble, a new scribble-based interface for user-guided segmentation of digital sketchy drawings.
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