Scalable Music: Automatic Music Retargeting and Synthesis

In this paper we propose a method for dynamic rescaling of music, inspired by recent works on image retargeting, video reshuffling and character animation in the computer graphics community. Given the desired target length of a piece of music and optional additional constraints such as position and importance of certain parts, we build on concepts from seam carving, video textures and motion graphs and extend them to allow for a global optimization of jumps in an audio signal.

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DuctTake: Seam-Based Video Compositing

We describe in detail the required components, decisions, and new techniques that together make a usable, interactive tool for compositing HD video, paying special attention to running time and performance of each section.

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Facial Performance Enhancement Using Dynamic Shape Space Analysis

We present a technique for adding fine-scale details and expressiveness to low-resolution art-directed facial performances, such as those created manually using a rig, via marker-based capture, by fitting a morphable model to a video, or through Kinect reconstruction using recent faceshift technology.

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