Disney Research


Calibration of multi-projector-camera systems (MPCS) is a cumbersome and time-consuming process. It is of great importance to have robust, fast and accurate calibration procedures at hand for a wide variety of practical applications. We propose a fully automated self-calibration method for arbitrarily complex MPCS. It enables reliable and accurate intrinsic and extrinsic calibration without any human parameter tuning. We evaluated the proposed methods using more than ten multi-projection datasets ranging from a toy castle set up consisting of three cameras and one projector up to a half dome display system with more than 30 devices. Comparisons to reference calibrations, which were generated using the standard checkerboard calibration approach [44], show the reliability of our proposed pipeline, while a ground truth evaluation also shows that the resulting reconstructed point cloud accurately matches the shape of the reference geometry. Besides being fully automatic without the necessity of parameter fine-tuning, the proposed method also significantly reduces the installation time of MPCS compared to checkerboard-based methods and makes it more suitable for real-world applications.

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