Underwater 3D Capture using a Low-Cost Commercial Depth Camera
Person Re-identification using Deformable Patch Metric Learning
Trending Paths: A Metric for Evaluating Crowd Simulation
PRECISION: Precomputing Environment Semantics for Contact-Rich Character Animation
Assumed Density Filtering Methods for Scalable Learning of Bayesian Neural Networks
Exploiting View-Specific Appearance Similarities Across Classes for Zero-Shot Pose Prediction: A Metric Learning Approach
VertiGo – A Wall-Climbing Robot including Ground-Wall Transition
Automatic Multiview Synthesis – Towards a Mobile System on a Chip
Fully Connected Object Proposals For Video Segmentation
FaceDirector: Continuous Control of Facial Performance in Video
Photogeometric Scene Flow for High-Detail Dynamic 3D Reconstruction
Scalable Control System for Bluetooth Mobile Devices
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