Disney Research


Linux Light Bulbs- Enabling Internet Protocol Connectivity for Light Bulb Networks-Image

Modern light bulbs based on Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) can be used to create smart indoor environments: LED light bulbs provide a foundation for networking using visible light as communication medium. With Visible Light Communication (VLC), LED light bulbs installed in a room can communicate with each other and other VLC devices (e.g., toys, wearables, clothing). The vision of the Internet of Things requires that light bulbs and VLC devices communicate via the Internet Protocol (IP). This paper explores how the IP stack and other networking protocols can be hosted on Linux-based VLC devices. The VLC link layer for Linux consists of a VLC network driver module on top of a previously developed VLC Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical (PHY) layers. The network driver provides the necessary interfaces to couple the IP networking protocols and the VLC layers. Performance and interaction between network driver and the existing MAC and PHY layers are analyzed and evaluated for di fferent networking topologies and scenarios. The evaluation results suggest that the selected IP stack and the proposed VLC protocols are flexible enough to inter-operate.

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