Disney Research


High-Quality Capture of Eyes-Image

Even though the human eye is one of the central features of individual appearance, its shape has so far been mostly approximated in our community with gross simplifications. In this paper, we demonstrate that there is a lot of individuality to every eye, a fact that common practices for 3D eye generation do not consider. To faithfully reproduce all the intricacies of the human eye we propose a novel capture system that is capable of accurately reconstructing all the visible parts of the eye: the white sclera, the transparent cornea, and the non-rigidly deforming colored iris. These components exhibit very different appearance properties, and thus we propose a hybrid reconstruction method that addresses them individually while respecting their inter-dependencies. The result of our system is a complete model of both spatio-temporal shape and texture at an unprecedented level of detail. The captured eyes will not only enable the creation of more believable digital humans but have potential applications in fields other than computer graphics, such as ophthalmology. Finally, we believe that the findings of this paper will alter our community’s current assumptions regarding human eyes, and our work has the potential to significantly impact the way that eyes will be modeled in the future.

Download High Quality Eye Capture Dataset

The provided dataset contains two scans of the right and left eyes of a person with blue eyes. One scan consists of an eyeball mesh, a sequence of iris meshes in different dilation states, iris and sclera textures, and a limbus opacity map. Also, a photo is included for reference.

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