DuctTake: Seam-Based Video Compositing
We describe in detail the required components, decisions, and new techniques that together make a usable, interactive tool for compositing HD video, paying special attention to running time and performance of each section.
Error Analysis of Estimators that Use Combinations of Stochastic Sampling Strategies for Direct Illumination
We present a theoretical analysis of error of many combinations of Monte Carlo estimators used in image synthesis.
Megastereo: Constructing High-Resolution Stereo Panoramas
We present a solution for generating high-quality stereo panoramas at megapixel resolutions.
Data-Driven Estimation of Cloth Simulation Models
This paper provides measurement and fitting methods that allow nonlinear models to be fit to the observed deformation of a particular cloth sample.
Image-Based Reconstruction and Synthesis of Dense Foliage
This project presents a finer scale technique to demonstrate for the first time the processing of densely leafed foliage – computation of 3D structure, plus extraction of statistics for leaf shape and the configuration of neighboring leaves.
Transfusive Image Manipulation
We present a method for consistent automatic transfer of edits applied to one image to many other images of the same object or scene.
Modeling and Estimation of Internal Friction in Cloth
In this project, we developed a model of internal friction based on a reparameterization of Dahl’s model and validated that this model provides a good match to important features of cloth hysteresis even with a minimal set of parameters.
Facial Performance Enhancement Using Dynamic Shape Space Analysis
We present a technique for adding fine-scale details and expressiveness to low-resolution art-directed facial performances, such as those created manually using a rig, via marker-based capture, by fitting a morphable model to a video, or through Kinect reconstruction using recent faceshift technology.
Augmenting Physical Avatars Using Projector-Based Illumination
We propose a complete process for augmenting physical avatars using projector-based illumination, significantly increasing their expressiveness.
Theory, Analysis and Applications of 2D Global Illumination
We propose second-order Taylor expansion from cache points, which results in more accurate irradiance reconstruction.
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