Semi-Automatic Video Object Segmentation by Advanced Manipulation of Segmentation Hierarchies
This paper presents a novel interface based on a click-and-drag interaction that allows to rapidly select regions from state-of-the-art segmentation hierarchies.
A Computational Model for Perception of Stereoscopic Window Violations
This paper investigates stereoscopic window violation artifacts, which often interfere with artistic freedom and constrain the comfortable depth volume.
Distributed Cloth Simulation Using Charm++
This paper presents a scalable implementation of the Asynchronous Contact Mechanics (ACM) algorithm, a reliable method to simulate flexible material subject to complex collisions and contact geometries.
Eye-Tracktive: Measuring Attention to Body Parts When Judging Human Motions
Virtual humans are often endowed with human-like characteristics to make them more appealing and engaging.
Recent Advances in Adaptive Sampling and Reconstruction for Monte Carlo Rendering
In this paper, we survey recent advances in this area. We distinguish between “a priori” methods that analyze the light transport equations and derive sampling rates and reconstruction filters from this analysis, and “a posteriori” methods that apply statistical techniques to sets of samples to drive the adaptive sampling and reconstruction process.
Efficient Salient Foreground Detection for Images and Video using Fiedler Vectors
This paper presents an effective method for detecting potentially salient foreground regions.
Panoramic Video from Unstructured Camera Arrays
In this paper we extend the basic concept of local warping for parallax removal.
Mastercam FVV- Robust Registration of Multiview Sports Video to a Static High-Resolution Master Camera For Free Viewpoint Video
We introduce the concept of a static high-resolution master camera for improved long-term multiview alignment.
3D-TV RnD Activities in Europe
Through the research frameworks of the European Commission, in particular, a number of long-term issues have been addressed to overcome limitations of the traditional two-view stereoscopy.
What is a Good Day for Outdoor Photometric Stereo?
In this paper, we explore the stability of surface normals reconstructed outdoors.
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