Experimental Demonstration of Complex Image Theory for Vertical Magnetic Dipoles with Applications to Remote Sensing and Position Tracking
This work reports the first experimental demonstration of CIT from a vertical magnetic dipole (VMD) in remote sensing and position tracking applications.
Motion Fields to Predict Play Evolution in Dynamic Sport Scenes
Videos of multi-player team sports provide a challenging domain for dynamic scene analysis. Player actions and interactions are complex as they are driven by many factors, such as the short-term goals of the individual player, the overall team strategy, the rules of the sport, and the current context of the game.
Design and Architecture of a Robot-Child Speech-Controlled Game
We describe the conceptual design, architecture, and implementation of a multimodal, robot-child dialogue system in a fast-paced, speech-controlled collaborative game.
Social Group Interactions in a Role-Playing Game
We present initial findings from an experiment in which participants played Mafia, an established role-playing game, with our robot.
“Quality vs Quantity”: Improved Shot Prediction in Soccer using Strategic Features from Spatiotemporal Data
In this paper, we present a method which accurately estimates the likelihood of chances in soccer using strategic features from an entire season of player and ball tracking data taken from a professional league.
Representing Team Behaviours from Noisy Data using Player Role
In this paper, we investigate two representations based on raw player detections (and not tracking) which are immune to missed and false detections.
Assessing Team Strategy Using Spatiotemporal Data
In this paper, we give an overview of the types of analysis currently performed mostly with hand-labeled event data and highlight the problems associated with the influx of spatiotemporal data.
Characterizing Multi-Agent Team Behavior from Partial Team Tracings
In this paper, we propose a method to overcome these issues by representing team behavior via play-segments, which are spatio-temporal descriptions of ball movement over fixed windows of time.
“How to Get an Open Shot”: Analyzing Team Movement in Basketball using Tracking Data
In this paper, we use ball and player tracking data from STATS SportsVU from the 2012-2013 NBA season to analyze offensive and defensive formations of teams.
Proximal Operators for Multi-Agent Path Planning
We address the problem of planning collision-free paths for multiple agents using optimization methods known as proximal algorithms.
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