This paper introduces a novel photometric compensation technique for inter-projector luminance and chrominance variations. Although it sounds as a classical technical issue, to the best of our knowledge there is no existing solution to alleviate the spatial non-uniformity among strongly heterogeneous projectors at perceptually acceptable quality. Primary goal of our method is increasing the perceived seamlessness of the projection system by automatically generating an improved and consistent visual quality. It builds upon the existing research of multi-projection systems, but instead of working with perceptually non-uniform color spaces such as CIEXYZ, the overall computation is carried out using the RLab [10, pp. 243-254] color appearance model which models the color processing in an adaptive, perceptual manner. Besides, we propose an adaptive color gamut acquisition, spatially varying gamut mapping, and optimization framework for edge blending. The paper describes the overall workflow and detailed algorithm of each component, followed by an evaluation validating the proposed method. The experimental results both qualitatively and quantitatively show the proposed method significant improved the visual quality of projected results of a multi-projection display with projectors with severely heterogeneous color processing.
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