What is a Good Day for Outdoor Photometric Stereo?
In this paper, we explore the stability of surface normals reconstructed outdoors.
No Bias Left Behind: Covariate Shift Adaptation for Discriminative 3D Pose Estimation
Discriminative, or (structured) prediction, methods have proved effective for variety of problems in computer vision; a notable example is 3D monocular pose estimation.
Recognizing Team Activities from Noisy Data
In this paper, we investigate two representations based on raw player detections (and not tracking) which are immune to missed and false detections.
3D Printing Pneumatic Device Controls with Variable Activation Force Capabilities
We explore 3D printing physical controls whose tactile response can be manipulated programmatically through pneumatic actuation.
Acoustruments: Passive, Acoustically-Driven Interactive Controls for Hand Held Devices
We introduce Acoustruments: low-cost, passive, and powerless mechanisms, made from plastic, that can bring rich, tangible functionality to handheld devices.
A Mouth Full of Words: Visually Consistent Acoustic Redubbing
This paper introduces a method for automatic redubbing of video that exploits the many-to-many mapping of phoneme sequences to lip movements modeled as dynamic visemes [1].
A Layered Fabric 3D Printer for Soft Interactive Objects
We present a new type of 3D printer that can form precise, but soft and deformable 3D objects from layers of off-the- shelf fabric.
IDSense: A Human Object Interaction Detection System Based on Passive UHF RFID
In order to enable unobtrusive human object interaction detection, we propose a minimalistic approach to instrumenting everyday objects with passive (i.e. battery-free) UHF RFID tags.
Fast and Stable Color Balancing for Images and Augmented Reality
This paper addresses the problem of globally balancing colors between images. The input to our algorithm is a sparse set of desired color correspondences between a source and a target image.
Detecting and Tracking Sports Players with Random Forests and Context-Conditioned Motion Models
Player movements in team sports are often complex and highly correlated with both nearby and distant players. A single motion model would require many degrees of freedom to represent the full motion diversity of each player and could be difficult to use in practice. I
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