Disney Research


Uminari- Freeform Interactive Loudspeakers-Image
Freeform Interactive Loudspeakers are flexible, lightweight and used in interactions with everyday objects. (a) The lightweight electrostatic loudspeakers are integrated in a balloon. (b) The electrostatic loudspeakers can be made into large curved wall surfaces. (c) Our speaker table accepts touches and weight on it. (d) Tangible objects are made speaker by equipping them with passive layer of conductive paper.

We present freeform interactive loudspeakers for creating spatial sound experiences from a variety of surfaces. Surround sound systems are widely used and consist of multiple electromagnetic speakers that create point sound sources within a space. Our proposed system creates directional sound and can be easily embedded into architecture, furniture, and many everyday objects. We use electrostatic loudspeaker technology made from thin, flexible, lightweight and low-cost materials and can be of different size and shape. In this paper, we propose various configurations such as single speaker, speaker array and tangible speakers for creating playful and exciting interactions with spatial sounds. Our research of freeform speakers can create new possibilities for the design of various interactive surfaces.

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