Disney Research


SideBySide- Ad-hoc Multi-user Interaction with Handheld Projectors-Image

We introduce SideBySide, a system designed for ad-hocĀ multi-user interaction with handheld projectors. SideBySide uses device-mounted cameras and hybrid visible/infrared light projectors to track multiple independent projected images in relation to one another. This is accomplished by projecting invisible fiducial markers in the near-infrared spectrum. Our system is completely self-contained and can be deployed as a handheld device without instrumentation of the environment. We present the design and implementation of our system including a hybrid handheld projector to project visible and infrared light, and techniques for tracking projected fiducial markers that move and overlap. We introduce a range of example applications that demonstrate the applicability of our system to real-world scenarios such asĀ mobile content exchange, gaming, and education.

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