Disney Research


Conquer it! is a lightweight proof-of-concept exertion game that demonstrates Body Channel Communication (BCC) in a smart environment. BCC employs the human body as communication medium to transfer digital data between physical objects by using electric fields that are coupled to the body. During the game participants are provided with BCC wearables, each of which represents a specific RGB color. When the user stands, walks on, or touches with a hand the BCC tiles, communication is automatically established: the corresponding sensor area decodes the message (RGB value) originating from the wearable and lights up according to that color for two seconds. The goal of the game is to try to light up as many tile cells simultaneously as possible. Participants can try to keep alive the colors by continuously moving around on the tiles. In the multiuser version, by stepping on or touching a blinking cell, users can immediately claim the area and overwrite the color of that subtile.

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