Disney Research


LED-to-LED Visible Light Communication Networks-Image

Visible Light Communication (VLC) with Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) as transmitters and receivers enables low bitrate wireless adhoc networking. LED-to-LED VLC adhoc networks with VLC devices communicating with each other over free-space optical links typically achieve a throughput of less than a megabit per second at distances of no more than a few meters. LED-to-LED VLC adhoc networks are useful for combining a smart illumination with low-cost networking. We present and evaluate a software-based VLC physical layer and a VLC medium access control layer that retain the simplicity of the LED-to-LED approach. The design satisfies the requirement that LEDs should always be perceived as on with constant brightness. In each VLC device, in addition to an LED, only a low-cost microcontroller is required for handling the software-based communication protocol. The results of our performance measurements confirm recent claims about the potential of LED-to-LED VLC adhoc networks as a useful technology for sensor networks, smart and connected consumer devices, and the Internet-of-Things.

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