Disney Research


A Fluid-Suspension Electromagnetically Driven Eye with Video Capability for Animatronic Applications-Image


We have prototyped a compact, fluid-suspension, electromagnetically-rotated animatronic eye. The eye features extremely low operating power, a range of motion and saccade speeds that can exceed that of the human eye, and an absence of frictional wear points. The design has no external moving parts, easing its installation in new and retrofit animatronic applications. It allows a clear view through the entire structure from front to back, making a rear, stationary video camera possible. The camera view is supported without a large entrance pupil and is stationary even during rotation of the eye. Two of these devices can support stereo viewing. In a special application, the eye can be separated into a hermetically sealable portion that might be used as a human eye prosthesis, along with an extra-cranially-mounted magnetic drive.

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