VideoSnapping: Interactive Synchronization of Multiple Videos
We present an interactive method for computing optimal nonlinear temporal video alignments of an arbitrary number of videos.
Stylized Hair Capture
In this paper, we present the first method for *stylized* hair capture, a technique to reconstruct an individual’s actual hair-style in a manner suitable for physical reproduction.
Automatic Editing of Footage from Multiple Social Cameras
We present an approach that takes multiple videos captured by social cameras that are carried or worn by members of the group involved in an activity and produces a coherent “cut” video of the activity.
Rigid Stabilization of Facial Expressions
In this project, we develop the first automatic face stabilization method that achieves professional-quality results on large sets of facial expressions.
A Comprehensive Theory of Volumetric Radiance Estimation Using Photon Points and Beams
We develop a novel, comprehensive theory of volumetric radiance estimation that leads to several new insights and includes all previously published estimates as special cases.
Perceptually Motivated Guidelines for Voice Synchronization in Film
In this work, we focus on voice synchronization, an aspect of video quality that is strongly affected by current post-production and transmission practices. We examined the synchronization of an actor’s voice and lip movements in two distinct scenarios.
Accurate Phase-Based Ranging Measurements for Backscatter RFID Tags
We propose a composite Dual-Frequency Continuous-Wave and Continuous- Wave (DFCW/CW) radar system for localization of backscatter RF tags.
Scene Reconstruction from High Spatio-Angular Resolution Light Fields
This paper describes a method for scene reconstruction of complex, detailed environments from 3D light fields. Densely sampled light fields in the order of 109 light rays allow us to capture the real world in unparalleled detail, but efficiently processing this amount of data to generate an equally detailed reconstruction represents a significant challenge to existing algorithms.
High-Quality Single-Shot Capture of Facial Geometry
This project develops a passive stereo system for capturing the 3D geometry of a face in a single-shot with standard light sources.
Coupled 3D Reconstruction of Sparse Facial Hair and Skin
We propose a passive, camera-based system that is robust against arbitrary motion since all data is acquired within the time period of a single exposure.
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