Interactive High-Quality Green-Screen Keying via Color Unmixing
We present comprehensive comparisons with commercial software packages and relevant methods in literature, which show that the quality of our results is superior to any other currently available green-screen keying solution.
Real-Time Temporally Coherent Local HDR Tone Mapping
In this paper, we present a modified algorithm which builds upon the previous work by redesigning key components to achieve real-time performance.
Phase-Based Modification Transfer for Video
We present a novel phase-based method for propagating modifications of one video frame to an entire sequence.
Globally Continuous and Non-Markovian Activity Analysis from Videos
By using non-parametric Bayesian methods, we learn coupled spatial and temporal patterns with minimum prior knowledge.
Walk the Talk: Coordinating Gesture with Locomotion for Conversational Characters
In this paper, we consider the problem of creating rich and varied conversational behaviors for data-driven animation of walking and jogging characters.
A Benchmark Dataset and Evaluation Methodology for Video Object Segmentation
We present a new benchmark dataset and evaluation methodology for the area of video object segmentation
Bilateral Space Video Segmentation
We propose a novel approach to video segmentation that operates in bilateral space.
CANVAS: Computer-Assisted Narrative Animation Synthesis
We present CANVAS, a computer-assisted visual authoring tool for synthesizing multi-character animations from sparsely-specified narrative events.
User, Metric, and Computational Evaluation of Foveated Rendering Methods
We consider three foveated rendering methods and propose practical rules of thumb for each method to achieve significant performance gains in real-time rendering frameworks.
IRIDiuM: Immersive Rendered Interactive Deep Media
We propose a solution for presenting movie quality graphics to the user while still allowing the sense of presence afforded by free viewpoint head motion.
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